Problem Statement – 1 Write a program that gets a set of email ids that are separated either with commas or semicolons. Extract all the email addresses…
ICA C# Sharp Conditional Operators Problem Statement – 5
Problem Statement 5 Write a program to check whether the input alphabet is a vowel or not. Use switch case. SAMPLE INPUT Enter a character:…
ICA C# Sharp Conditional Operators Problem Statement – 4
Problem Statement 4 Write a program, which accepts the gross pay and produces the amount of tax owed. For a gross pay of 100000 or…
ICA C# Sharp Conditional Operators Problem Statement – 3
Problem Statement 3 Write a program that accepts a deposit amount and calculates the amount of interest the deposit amount earns in a year. The…
ICA C# Sharp Conditional Operators Problem Statement – 2
Problem Statement 2 Write a program to check if the given year is a leap year or not. Input a year and check whether it’s…
ICA C# Sharp Conditional Operators Problem Statement – 1
Problem Statement 1 Write a program that accepts a set of numbers from the user, stores the values in an array, and finds the maximum and…
ICA C# Sharp Loops Problem Statement – 4
Problem Statement 4 Write a program to generate a Fibonacci sequence {0,1,1,2,3,5,8….}. The count of numbers needed in the sequence is taken from the user….
ICA C# Sharp Loops Problem Statement – 3
Problem Statement 3 Develop a program that accepts a deposit amount and period of deposit. Calculate the maturity amount after the period of deposit. The…
ICA C# Sharp Loops Problem Statement – 2
Problem Statement 2 Write a program to display the prime numbers below a given number. SAMPLE INPUT Enter a number: 10 SAMPLE OUTPUT 2 3 5…
ICA C# Sharp Loops Problem Statement – 1
Problem Statement 1 Write a program to find all the even numbers within the limit of an input integer value. SAMPLE INPUT Enter start value:…